Freeware programs for making beautiful figures and manuscripts for publication.
Freeware programs for improving your productivity and managing your computer(s).
- Notepad++
Power-user text editor: Regular expressions, select columns, syntax highlighting, macro recording, ... - Launchy
Make your start menu obselete: launch documents and programs quickly with a couple keystrokes. - IrfanView graphic viewer
Small footprint, fast, great compatibility, and batch processing. - KeePass Password Safe
Great open-source password manager; reduce your online security vulnerabilities. - Advanced Renamer
Intuitive batch rename utility that supports regular expressions, scripts, EXIF data, ID3 tags, and more. - PicPick tools
Handy desktop tools: measure distances, angles, pick colours, take screenshots of specific windows. - TortoiseSVN
Subversion (SVN) client as a Windows shell extension; revision control made easy. - Dexpot
Virtual desktop environment for windows. - TeamViewer
Elegant remote desktop application; works from mobile devices and behind closed networks. - VMware Player
Run virtual machines (e.g. Linux) within Windows. - vCenter Converter
Turn your old physical computer into a virtual machine.
For your computer
For your other computers
Resources for analysis of data from powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and visualization of crystal structures.
3-D visualization for crystal structures - Space Group tables
High-resolution diagrams and tables - Bilbao crystallographic server
Misc. tools and resources - PowDLL Converter
Quickly and easily convert between XRD data formats - GSAS-II (PyGSAS)
Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction data - PowderCell (PCW)
Phase analysis from powder XRD - UnitCell
Determine unit cell constants from known reflections - ICSD (subscription required)
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
Resources for X-ray spectroscopy.
- LNBL X-ray Data Booklet
Don't leave home without it. Your 1-stop shop for elemental absorption emission energies. - Demeter
GUI for analysis of XANES and EXAFS - NIST XPS database
Reference data for core-line binding energies
Resources for physical properties and other useful data.
- NIST physical reference data
The final word on everything - Knovel critical tables
Chemical reference data - Interactive Ellingham diagrams
Will it reduce? Generate Ellingham diagrams for any element - Particle size conversion
Mesh size, particle size